How to write for SEO.

How To Write Well For SEO Purposes

It is said that in today’s digital world, content is king. However, the truth is that not all contents are kings except contents that are optimized for search engines.

So, with the boom in content marketing and social marketing, how can you write well for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes? Here are six tips on how to write well for SEO purposes.

  • Know Your Audience First

In 2020, SEO content must be audience-focused. This is the golden rule of SEO writing. The digital space has a pool of diverse readers in terms of demography, culture, and interest.

So, it is important that before you start writing, first define who your audience is. What are they interested in? How old are they? What is their attention span? Because when you establish who your audience is, it makes writing for them in the right way easy and effective.

Content isn’t king – unless it’s good content!

That Marketing Duck
  • Use The Right Targeted Keywords

Writing for SEO purposes demands that your content is rich in targeted keywords. Yes, you have been able to define your audience, but without the right keywords, your content might not reach them. It is good that you started first by defining your audience because it makes the job of finding the right targeted keywords easy.  There are words and phrases that your target audience is clicking. Create topics and content with these keywords.

  • Make Your Contents Readable

Writing well for SEO purposes involves writing readable content.  The readability of your content is determined by four parameters, which include clarity, structure, simplicity, and grammar. When your writing is clear, organized, and simple and with little or zero grammatical errors, it will appeal to more people in your audience, and that will help your search engine ranking.

  • Use Punchy Headlines

Have you heard of the proverb about ‘winking at a girl in a dark room”? It is the same as writing without catchy headlines. Your content might be the next big thing that could change the world on the web, but without a very good headline, it will not get impressions. Use headlines that are short, clear, interesting, and rich in keywords.

  • Utilize The Power Of Visuals

Garnish your content with images and infographics. People are attracted to visuals. Now, this is not about littering your content with random images from the web.  Use well-designed, quality photos that align with the subject of your content. This makes your content more reader-friendly, authoritative and optimized.

  • Always Monitor Your Page Speed

One of the easiest ways of designing your content for SEO purposes is to ensure that your pages load as fast as it could.   Slow page speed is a turn-off for most online readers. According to a BBC News report, 50% of online shoppers or readers won’t wait more than three seconds for a page to load. There are resources online on how to improve page speed.

Should I outsource SEO work?

There are countless people out there who claim to understand SEO and search marketing. You may often be spammed repeatedly with offers for help boosting your rankings, but these online companies can often act shady and hurt your rankings over the long term. But you can also hire a local company to do this instead and you can often expect far better results.

Wrapping It Up

This is an excellent way to start your journey in writing well for SEO purposes. You can read up more on SEO. With the tips above, you are confident of generating the right ROI on your content.